Death and Resurrection

It came to me as clear as day. It felt like a sudden discordant sound amidst the glory and praise of Resurrection Sunday.  I had been in the glory of the Lord all morning, pouring over my Bible and then in church Livestream, and when it ended I left worship on and just kept going.
            It started with the sound of a siren. As the death toll from Covid-19 is high in New York City, I have begun to associate sirens with death.  As I heard it I realized how there are two kingdoms at war with one another. No wonder there’s such a stark contrast. Jesus overcame death and yet people seem to be dying all around me.
            As I heard the sound of the siren though I was reminded of a story I was told about death and resurrection. In fact, it dawned on me that I have heard many stories about death and resurrection- not just Jesus’ story. This story was actually from Deena Van’t Hul, founder of Hidden Treasures, an orphanage ministry in China.
            I am afraid I will butcher it terribly but I hope what struck me about it will strike you.  This woman had told us stories of praying for disabled babies who died and watching them come back to life. Then she told us a story of a baby who was not resurrected. She walked us through the grief and anger she experienced at God. Then she told us with tears in her eyes of hearing sirens and knowing that another of their children had died and hearing God tell her to pray for life.  She told us this story as a warning. She remembered that in the moment God asked her to pray for life she turned away, bitter and angry and chose not to pray. The regret of this moment haunted her.
            I was reminded of this moment because of what I believe this mother heart of hers was trying to convey.  God may not choose to resurrect something. He is no stranger to grief. Yet he always gives us a choice to believe again in the midst of our pain, in the midst of our suffering. He always gives us the opportunity to enter into the power of the resurrection even in the midst of the grave.
            This is what struck me all at once as I listened to that siren. I do not believe it was an accident that my mind suddenly remembered a missionary who has given her life to China in service.  God’s purposes over China and the world have always been and always will be resurrection. So today as I continue to weep with those who weep I will choose to believe and pray for resurrection life.


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