The Lies we tell

There’s been a pile up lately of things I see that I want that others seem to have. I see all my friends having their first, second, and third babies and they are so cute. I texted my friend who I went to Bible school with today (we are the same age) and he texted me a snapshot of his second child crawling.  I see my boyfriend and acting class mates actually fulfilling my dreams of performing their craft. On top of that I find out that my friends are writing beautiful worship songs. I feel left behind, like I’m missing out, and like I’m missing something that I should’ve learned long ago, but what? This gnawing discontentment with my circumstances pervades all other feelings.

I am taking an acting class where each person’s current goal is to show up and be present and fully experience their emotions. We choose activities and stories behind those activities that bring us to this emotional experience. I chose today to experience the feeling of guilt and it actually surprised me how much I felt it when I normally hold my emotions in my chest.  But then another girl in my class chose the same feeling. She screamed and cried: it was riveting to watch. I quickly jotted down in my notes “She experienced guilt better than me.”

My classmate sitting next to me saw the note and said, “that’s a lie.” She took my notebook and pen and scribbled over it and then drew this beautiful branch in its place. That’s when I started to cry.

This and other things have got me thinking about the lies we tell ourselves when we let comparison take root. We can’t live our truth if we are constantly declaring over ourselves our unworthiness.

I was thinking about Zechariah in the Bible. The angel Gabriel told him that he and his wife would bear a son and he questioned Gabriel. Zechariah wondered, “How can this be since Elizabeth and I are past child bearing years?” The angel said it would be and then told him he would be mute until the child’s birth. I believe he made him quiet because he was believing lies, not truth.  The angel didn’t want him declaring doubts into the atmosphere anymore. The truth would win.

God created the world by his words.  The Bible says: “death and life are in the power of the tongue.”  What we say is truly powerful.

James uses two analogies to make the point that if man bridles his tongue he can bridle everything. He describes how we put bits into the mouths of horses and are able through that to guide their entire bodies.  He then compares the tongue to the rudder of a ship.  “So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things.  How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness.”

I love the way James poses the question.  How can these things be coming out of your mouths? How can you curse when you also bless? He also says it’s impossible for man to tame the tongue.  His questions and his declarations point to a higher truth. We need God to speak life into us so that we can speak life.

The very same passage James says, “But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.” (verse 14)

I know what I was doing was related to boasting in bitter jealousy.  I compare myself to everyone around me and see myself as less-than. I started speaking that over myself.  No wonder I’m insecure! No wonder I feel worthless. I just declared it over myself! I made an internal agreement with the Devil that I will never measure up and I spoke it over myself.  In my mind, saying it sort of softened the blow. “See! I knew it! It can’t hurt me now!” But instead I’ve become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The irony is that from day one of our classes our teacher warned us to not compare our progress to other people in our class. The truth is I know that the season I am in is amazing.  I’m not ready to be a mother. I’m not ready be on Broadway.  It’s just when I look around me….

It reminds me of when Peter took his eyes off Jesus and fell back into the water.  How to get out of the predicament I am in is really quite simple.  I have to find the Voice that speaks louder than the accuser. I have ask Him what he thinks of me right here, right now. I have to take my gaze off the people around me. I have to shut my own mouth until he fills it with truth.


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