Here's to the Ones who Dream

I cried watching La La Land because the story is every budding artist's story.  Mia is just scraping by, working at a coffee shop, serving the stars she wishes to be one day. The main guy is a talented, free-spirited jazz musician who goes from a boss who relegates him to playing his set list which is not very fun to a band whose music he is not crazy about.  They both essentially sell out on their dreams and then challenge each other to dream again.

I love that story.  I love that story because it affirms the one thing I am learning recently: we need each other to accomplish our dreams.

My beyond favorite scene is when he drives all the way to Colorado to tell her she has an audition and she says she not going.  He freaks out and makes her tell him why.  She proceeds with one of the most poignant monologues I've ever heard about what sucks about being an actor and finishes with:

"...because maybe I'm not good enough"

"You are"

"I'm not"

"You are"

"I'm not"

"why don't you want to do it anymore?"

He speaks to her identity and then he challenges her.  Sometimes we need those people in our lives who ask us hard questions, who push us, who won't take excuses from us.  Sometimes we need people who will listen to the songs we write, see the plays we act in, and be our cheerleaders.  We weren't built to be alone.


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