Seasonal Poems
Bear with me a moment. I know it's not good. I'm learning.
We scoff at who we really are
Preferring Idealized images
Composed in electrons
All the while laughing off
The truth
The trash is full to say the least
Containing muddled stories
Actions speak louder than
As he offers his hand
I need
Gifted with intelligence
To discern myself best
At least the flight
Isn't weighted by bombs
It's smooth like chocolate
I wonder if I will transform
Like caterpillar cocoon
From mortal itch
To Heaven thirst
Need to touch it
Below he, she, it are small
Like scuttling mites
Huge buildings disappear
In wafts of clouds
Perspective shift
Ignited by decision
I invoke myself best
Then land my thoughts
Along the row of flares
Small but important
We scoff at who we really are
Preferring Idealized images
Composed in electrons
All the while laughing off
The truth
The trash is full to say the least
Containing muddled stories
Actions speak louder than
As he offers his hand
I need
Gifted with intelligence
To discern myself best
At least the flight
Isn't weighted by bombs
It's smooth like chocolate
I wonder if I will transform
Like caterpillar cocoon
From mortal itch
To Heaven thirst
Need to touch it
Below he, she, it are small
Like scuttling mites
Huge buildings disappear
In wafts of clouds
Perspective shift
Ignited by decision
I invoke myself best
Then land my thoughts
Along the row of flares
Small but important
This euphoric bliss
Is but a passing blip
In this dance of life
If we could but catch it
Like fireflies
I’ve felt too many times
To us it’s life or death
Kiss or cry
Dream or nightmare
Yet Heaven dreams
Much bigger and
If we could see
The fuller mural
We would be undone
Drawn away
Into a mist of passion
Given to deceiving hopes
We trade our futures
For our todays
And wonder
If this love can
A song:
I wanted to be an Eleanor
But Marianne became
My heart and soul
Could not be boxed
By lock and key again
I flung it wide
It's ugly side
You found it to be tame
Now what's in store?
I now implore
Or I will close again
Open hearts:
Open hearts
Are never wrong
They are where fruit
Grows from budding vine
Fragrant, delighting in beauty
All too well they know the pruning sheers
That bring forth greater blossom
Open hearts can feel some pain
But must open to proceed
To understand it all
So fall if they fall
And bud to fall
They’ll spring
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