Update from New York


      I would like to give people periodic updates on what is happening with me as I feel I am cut off from the entirety of my community to this point.  As I will share in the next post, the trip here was marked by the power of the Holy Spirit and I was so excited to be a part of that.  I told some of you personally but the Lord encountered me in a radical way and led me to New York.  As I look back on some of the things he promised me, I realize he had a reason for telling me all those things: he knew the intense warfare I would face in this city.
      One of the cool things that have happened to me since I moved to New York is connecting with a small theatre company in Brooklyn called Irondale.  Before I left for New York I did a bit of research on companies that devise (the type of theatre I want to do).  Irondale came up in my research as a company that does this.  When I got to New York, I met with my dear friend Sam who (I had no idea) is actually interning with them!  He hooked me up with an awesome improv class they teach and I’ve been enjoying it so much.
      I sort of a had really huge revelation from the Lord when I got there of where I was called to be.  It happened when I attended Trinity Grace in Brooklyn.  After that I just knew I was supposed to be in Brooklyn.  In New York, everyone is proud of their boroughs and each borough has it’s own reputation.  Brooklyn, particularly where I’m living, is known for white kids with trust funds.  They are the cool, artsy, hipsters…I was not particularly excited about this revelation at first, to say the list.  It was actually sort of more like an argument.  That’s why I know it’s the Lord.  I don’t fit into this culture at all.  However, my inner artist is beginning to come alive and I’m excited to see what happens with that!
      Over this season I clearly had a LOT of specific prayer requests and one by one God is answering each one of them!
·      Number #1 on my list was getting a job.  I procured a job at Panera, which is such a blessing.
·      Number #2 was finding a place to live.  I now have a room in a beautiful apartment in Brooklyn, 15 minutes outside of Manhattan.
·      Number #3 was finding a community.  I feel like this is in the midst of being answered.  I made a lot of dear friends in the Bronx where I was staying but I will be leaving there (not to say that they will be any less dear to me).  Ebony, my former roommate in Missouri and dear friend, came to join me.  I have a lot of support from random people, including my newfound theatre community at Irondale.  I just recently started attending Justice House of Prayer.  Also, come January, I will have two wonderful apartment mates!

God’s timing
      One of the most difficult things I had to grapple with is God’s timing. I was fasting and praying for breakthrough in finding a home on October 5 and happened to be reading Luke 5.  Is it any wonder that verse 5 was particularly relevant to me?  God likes to do that to me with numbers.  In the story Jesus tells Simon to put out into the deep and let down his nets.  Simon says, “‘Master, we toiled all night and took nothing!  But at your word I will let down the nets.’  And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish and their nets were breaking.” 
      I had written next to this in my Bible “God works contrary to logic.”  I could say the same exact thing about apartment hunting! –Lord I’ve been diligently looking since I’ve got here and found nothing.  But you tell me when and where to look and I know I must be obedient because I will get the abundance.
      Immediately afterwards the Lord spoke to Ebony and I to “stop.”  Then the hurricane literally brought all our striving to a halt.
      I was pretty frustrated with the Lord for a lot of things that happened after that that I believed did not need to happen but he reminded me recently again that he is the perfect father.  He does not step in a moment to soon or a moment too late.  He cares more about our hearts than our flesh getting what we want.  He understands our immediate pain but he sees eternity and knows what is better for us.  This was a huge revelation for me.  No wonder it says in his word that his ways are higher than ours!  We will never get it.
      I have felt the most barren since I arrived in New York.  I had to realize that all my strength and striving meant nothing.  God had to orchestrate events.  I had to actually purposefully refuse the lies of the enemy everyday, something I’m not too used to doing.  I learned that I can do nothing in my own power. God shows he is most faithful when we are most unable.

I still have a lot of prayer requests:
·      I need to find work so I can afford to live long-term in Brooklyn.  Panera’s not cutting it.  It’s really expensive to live here and I know the Lord wants me to not only survive, but also thrive.
·      I need prayer for continued favor in the arts world.  That I would meet the people I need to meet to move me forward.
·      Finally, and most importantly, there’s a really oppressive dark spirit in New York City that I have been contending with.  He deals in hopelessness and feeling of insignificance.  Pray that his power is broken and the light of truth shines through.

In conclusion, in this Christmas season, let us remember his faithfulness. 
“I am the Lord; I have called you in righteousness;
I will take you by the hand and keep you;
I will give you a covenant for the people, a light for the nations,
To open eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness” (Isa 42:6-7).


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