"For such a time as this" Part I

Marching to a Different Tune

            We are all seeking for something, but for what?  When 52 million babies have been murdered in the US through abortion and 400 million forcefully aborted in China, how can we stand by and watch?  My blood boils just thinking of the atrocities that we allow to happen just because we choose not to be aware.
            But then there are those that choose to stand up in the face of the atrocities of modern day genocide.  On March 17th 39 brave young women set out an intercessory trail of tears, walking for family members, friends, races, and their own babies that they had aborted.  Every bloody and blistered foot was symbolic of the bridge of blood that Jesus already built. 
            As they marched up to the courthouse steps of the Earl Cabbel Federal Building where Roe vs. Wade began, I watched them chant: “Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation.  God, end abortion and send revival to America.”
            We applaud them but do we really receive what they gave?  Personally, they gave me hope that I can stand up for what the Lord has placed in my heart.  When the world rages (as Psalm 2 prophesied it would), I know where my allegiance lies.
            I will no longer be complacent.
            I cannot stand idly by.
            The America dream is not big enough for me.
            The enemy is raging.
            I will not sit around and pretend he is not.
            I want to be on the frontlines of battle.
            God, use me!


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