As I write I am sitting on my wood floor leaning up against one of the French doors to my back porch.  The other door is propped open to let the nice, cool breeze in.  Its a wonderful blustery day and it just rained a little bit.  I just finished a bit of my home work and decided I would take a break and say a few words.

First of all, I apologize for not keeping this thing updated.  But I have an excuse!  It has been a busy week. This weekend we had guest speakers come from an organization called i squared to speak to us on Islam and Chrisitanity.  I learned so much!  All you Biola people, one of the speakers was named Jeff Morton.  I mention him because he said he teaches at Biola.  Funny guy.  Loved him.

I also started working at Panera on Thursday (my birthday, ha ha).  On the note of my birthday, everyone keeps talking about how old I am.  One of my guy friends thought I was married and so, apparently all my new young-in friends (of 18 and 19) think I should be married.  I think they're cute.  I'm not THAT old!  Come on people.

The last major thing on my to-do list is to get a couch.  Things are getting a bit more difficult to squeeze into my schedule now that I have a job.  But nothing is impossible with God.  I have faith that he will still bring us a couch.

I have so many blog entry topics lined up you have no idea!  Actually, they are really just short essays.  You know, thought bubbles that people would normally post in a blog.  However, I am not sharing them as of yet because I have not updated the world in a while about myself so I thought I'd share a bit more about what's happening with me.  As soon as I get into a rhythm of updating my blog I will start to tackle some fun subjects that have been on my heart.

I am so incredibly grateful to the Lord for how he is taking care of me out here.  He has exceeded all my expectations.  I am so blessed with the friends I've made and the classes that I get to take.

On Monday was the twelfth anniversary of the prayer room so we had a big celebration.  Mike Bickle shared some of the prophetic history and had some other people get up and share.  There was even a video of Bob Jones telling us the visions he had seen about IHOP.  Also, random tangent, just throwing this out to all you Vineyard old folks who would remember, Bob Jones was at the Vineyard in 1989?  Sam randomly mentioned that in class one day.  I think thats cool just because that was the year I was born.  Anyway, it was a really cool to hear the stories in their entirity and recommit ourselves to night and day prayer.

I will try my very best to update tomorrow if not in the next week. :) Blessings.


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